Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Little Grey Men: A Story for the Young in Heart by D J 'BB' Watkins-Pitchford, 1942

A four-season adventure through the Warwickshire countryside
The Little Grey Men tells the tale of three gnome brothers who left their tree house in search of a more adventurous brother who left two years before. Dodder, Baldmoney and Sneezewort travelled up and down the Folly river gleaning adventures as if they were escaping lions in the African veldt or fighting malnutrition while marooned on a desert island, a la Robinson Crusoe. Will they ever find Cloudberry?

BB paints the scenery of the Warwickshire countryside in such detail that one feels his love of this tiny patch of the world so powerfully. He ascribes this love to the gnomes, "being halfway between animals and our unhappy selves, they appreciated the world far more than a great many mortals. To them the whole year was lovely, ... and not an hour passed by but they found something to admire and relish."

As in every good quest, the gnomes make new friends, battle formidable enemies (yes! more than one!), survive natural catastrophes and finally come home to a roaring fire and a good Elderberry wine.

It is a good tale to follow as you walk along the banks of an English river, but it is just as good in the bedroom of your high-rise apartment.

In 300 characters: Bb paints the warwickshire countryside in such detail one feels his love of this tiny patch of the world so powerfully. He ascribes this love to the gnomes, "[t]hey appreciated the world far more than a great many mortals. To them the whole year was lovely..."

the living archive

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